In the Home Study program the parent is the primary supervisor and support of the student's education, however, students are provided with a California accredited teacher who meets with them once every 20 days. At JCS, we call these teachers Educational Facilitators or EFs. Students and parents meet with their EF once every 20 days for a minimum of one hour. Together they review assignments, discuss problems or areas of concern, and then plan the next month's assignments. While students only meet in person with their EF once every 20 days, EFs are available regularly to remotely support both students and parents. For more information about how home study is structured and about the roles of the parent, student and EF please see the Parent/Student Handbook here.
In addition to being supported by an EF, High School students are assigned to a credentialed subject area teacher for core subjects. These JCS specialists are available to assist with the assignment and evaluation of work as well as consultation and tutoring throughout the semester.
Julian Charter School Home Study program offers many support resources to aid in the success of each student. Some of the resources we currently offer include: