President: Mr. Kevin Ogden, Community Member
Secretary: Mrs. Wendy Schroeter, Parent
Treasurer: Mrs. Barbara Kingsbury Semsrott, Community Member
Member: Mr. Salomon Nasser, Parent
Member: Dr. Coral Bergman, Community Member
Member: Mrs. Vanessa Wickstrom, Parent
Member: Mr. Brian Duffy, Representative of the District
Julian Charter School, a public charter school authorized by the California State Board of Education, became independently incorporated in July 2000. The school is a public school sponsored by the Julian Union School District in San Diego County, California.
Public schools throughout California are required to provide information about themselves to the community in the form of an annual SARC. These report cards provide a variety of data to allow the public to evaluate and compare schools in terms of student achievement, environment, resources and demographics. Julian Charter School mails the annual SARC to all of our parents.


Julian Charter School is proud to have Julian Union School District as our sponsoring district.
You can view any of the JCS Family Schools' EPA from this link

Julian Charter School welcomes you to participate in the decision making processes that affect our school! Please the school calendar for the Advisory Council meeting dates. Your involvement in helping shape the future of our program is important to us, and we welcome your feedback.
Julian Charter School offers a co-ed intramural high school and middle school athletic program to students in grades 6 -12. The various site-based programs sponsor the individual sports teams. The sport offerings are flag football (fall), volleyball (late fall), basketball (winter), and indoor soccer (spring). For more information click here.