JCS SPED Teacher Testimonial
I am a High School Special Education teacher who has worked at Julian Charter School for the last 14 years. I have chosen to leave a job that paid more at a traditional public school because I felt like I could make a difference with students in the charter school environment. I can't tell you how many students I have had over the years who have come to me from traditional public schools that are low performing, discouraged and on the verge of dropping out. Many of the students I work with have attention issues and are just not able to be successful in classes of 45 students. Because we are able to personalize learning while still meeting rigorous academic standards and give the students more individualized attention and small class sizes, they usually thrive. I have had many students over the years tell me that they would not have made it through high school anywhere else. My most recent one was a boy that I got two years ago when he was a 17 year old sophomore. He was very credit deficient and had tried many traditional school programs without success due to significant attention issues. Our school was a last ditch “one more try” effort before he dropped out and tried to get a job. His educational facilitator and I worked closely together to support him and he soon started to become successful and make up credits. He took his last final with me right before winter break and before he left, he took the time to encourage one of my other new students who is struggling to hang in there and keep trying. He is 19 now, but he will finally be getting his diploma. I’m looking forward to seeing him walk at graduation with the rest of his class in June. Please support a parent's right to chose what kind of education is the best for their child and allow charter school teachers to continue to make a difference.