JCS Innovation Centre La Mesa Testimonial
We are told that educating our students is the goal, then why the attacks on charter schools? They offer classes such as dance, music, and theater arts besides math, science, and social studies! They are growing quickly and are drawing away students from the public schools. Test scores for charter schools are excellent and the schools are audited twice a year! This is more often than public schools! Is the real issue that they are not union? Is that the reason they must be stopped before everyone notices their success? ‘Voices Against Privatizing Education’ is the organization collecting signatures for a ballot initiative to repeal charter schools. It is funded by the teacher’s unions. The Los Angeles Times: “union move is a sign that it is on the defensive against those who criticize unions for obstructing efforts to limit tenure, toughen how teachers are evaluated and expand the types of schools parents and students can choose.” My daughter has excelled in the charter program. Stop attacking what works! Warner RecabarenParent andVP PTO SDAPA