JCS Innovation Centre Encinitas Testimonial
I have two children in elementary school. Recently, my son who is 8 and in 3rd grade, was continuing to slide backwards in his education at public school. I love the public school he was attending and even chose it over other schools in our district as we were there on an inner district transfer. However, after numerous IEP Meetings (due to him not wanting to participate in school), I was convinced they are not capable of turning this around for him at the school. He has been going to Innovations in Encinitas for 3 weeks now. In just one day at Innovations, he left school calm and focused vs. out of control and spacey when I would pick him up from the public school. I am really shocked at the difference moving him to a new setting made. His biggest complaint about school was that it wasn't fun. However, he came out of his first trial day at Innovations saying he loved it. And when I asked him why, he said, they make learning fun! He still says this about Innovations. And he is eager to complete is out of the classroom activities! It is such a huge change. I attribute at least part of this to the setting at Innovations. Instead of spending most of his time on iPads (exactly how much time I could never get the school to track for me) he now rarely uses the chrome books which are at his disposal at Innovations. I believe the difference in technology in the classroom has helped with his calm and focused attitude. I only wish that the public schools could listen to the parents about technology in the classroom. But I am so happy that there is another opportunity available for my son! My daughter who is 7 and in 2nd grade, still attends the public school where my son was attending. It is not convenient for me to have my children in two different schools, but my daughter doesn't seem to be having difficulties so I don't see a need to look for a different opportunity for her.
I hope this is helpful! Innovations has really transformed my son. Now I am dealing with the technology withdrawal at home, but I know that will pass and that he will be better off in this new environment. I am terrified at the thought of my son having to go back to public school with the 1 to 1 iPads at this age.